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Gain the clarity, insight and the understanding you’ve been trying to find. ​

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Dianne will help you uncover the original issues that lay beneath the surface.​

You will gain the clarity, insight, and understanding you’ve been trying to find. β€‹

Dianne equips you with specific strategies and tools to effectively and permanently resolve the issues that you are struggling with.​

Dianne guides you to the other side of your pain with exceptional skill and compassion.  β€‹

Dianne's transformative approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual she works with.

What truly sets Dianne apart is her unwavering dedication to her clients. Her innate ability to connect with people on a deep, authentic level creates an environment of trust, safety, and compassion. With her guidance, individuals are empowered to navigate their darkest moments and transform them into opportunities for growth and healing.

Dianne's transformative approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual she works with. Her methods are rooted in evidence-based practices, drawing from the most current research in psychology and personal development. With her wealth of knowledge and expertise, she crafts personalized strategies that yield profound and lasting results.

Whether you're struggling with personal relationships, seeking career clarity, or battling
inner demons, Dianne Spencer is the beacon of light you've been searching for. Her unwavering commitment to helping individuals conquer their fears and realize their true
potential is unmatched.

I write this with the integrity of knowing firsthand Dianne’s unwavering support for which I will also be grateful for.

– Derrin Brown


Book your session with Dianne

The most empowering modality!

Of all the different modalities I have delved into or stepped into or tried, becoming this empowered adult has been the most incredible transformation and the most empowering modality that I have tried.

For anyone suffering, I would definitely recommend any form of inner child work especially with Dianne.

– Rebecca

Dianne saved my life!

I was in a mental ward after my fourth failed suicide attempt. ​ Through the hospital referrals I worked with Dianne and now 18 years later, ​ I would not be here if it wasn’t for Dianne’s incredible work. ​Thank you, Dianne.

– Linda, 46

A gentle approach

After setbacks in life, it seemed like nothing made sense anymore. I was never disappointed.

Dianned found a way to open up my vulnerable, sealed heart and dig up old injuries that I had not been aware of. It is the connection between the psychic and the feelings she repairs, which in my eyes a psychotherapist cannot attain.

– Roy, 50 

Dianne has worked miracles

I met Dianne Spencer in January 2013 and was impressed with her warmth and positive, caring manner shortly thereafter I started attending Breaking Free sessions and sought her help to assist me in coming to terms with my marriage breakup. ​

One evening I was to attend a meditation session and was debating whether or not to go as my shoulder had been playing up that day, Dianne messaged me and said that there would be just 3 of us so I decided that I would go. On the way there I took some Nurofen which helped slightly but by the time I arrived, it was still quite painful. ​

The Universe was surely looking after me that night because the other participant canceled and therefore it was just the two of us, Dianne could see that I was in pain with my shoulder and suggested that we do some one-on-one work to relieve it.​

Dianne’s process is nothing short of amazing! With her help and guidance, I was able to realise the source of my pain and address it and come to terms with issues that I was not consciously aware of. ​

At some stage during Dianne’s session, I became aware that the pain had completely disappeared, It’s now been over 12 months and the pain has not returned. ​

I have since worked with Dianne on other issues which were causing headaches and they too have stopped.​

My physio, knowing what I have gone through for nearly 20 years has validated Dianne’s emotional & bodywork process and is impressed with how well it has worked. ​

I can only say that for me Dianne has worked miracles and I recommend her to anyone suffering either physically or emotionally.

– Amanda, 54


Book your session with Dianne

Dianne Spencer’s programs are an invaluable service

I am a mental health case worker (Clinical Nurse) working for Caboolture Adult Mental Health and can confirm the crucial role that Dianne plays in improving the overall mental health of people in our community. ~ ​

The effects of childhood abuse are clearly obvious in a large percentage of presentations however there are very few places where such people can be referred. Such clients often suffer depression and anxiety as well as psychotic disorders self-harm and other forms of self-abuse are also prominent in this group. ​

From a public mental health perspective there is a limit to what one can do. We can attempt to help those who experience severe mental illness but many people who continue to suffer from the effects of childhood do so in silence, in a community that is only slowly coming to understand the ramifications of such abuse. Often these people only come to the attention of government services at times of crisis when the presentation- is often one of self-harm. ​

Dianne Spencer’s programs are an invaluable service and I have referred many extremely traumatised individuals to her in the past and have heard nothing but positive feedback about the process.​

One critical factor that Dianne brings to her service that is absent from other services is the fact that Dianne and her co-workers are all victims of childhood abuse and are living examples of the process of healing and recovery from the symptoms of abuse. ​

I cannot stress this strongly enough. the importance of Dianne's work and commend her and her organisation to you with extremely high praise. ​

– Mr Lee Strahan, R.N., RP.N. B.N. (Hons) Grad.Dip Psychiatry/Mental Health β€‹


Book a session with Dianne




  • Unconditional safety and support β€‹
  • Identify the original causes​
  • Understand your trauma responses and triggers β€‹
  • Free yourself from blame, shame and guilt