$225.00 AUD

Scroll down to read the agreement in full.

I understand that I may be asked to do certain “exercises” such as reading, changing behaviors, and otherwise acting in my own best interest.

I understand that I am entirely responsible for my own actions and I will always make my own final decisions regarding counselling.

I further understand that much of the work done will be to resolve issues and will depend on my honesty, and willingness to do the things I need to do to move forward even if it is painful and difficult.

I understand that whatever I say in a session is strictly confidential and will not be released to anyone without my consent unless I am violating codes of abuse, harm to myself or others. I understand that I will pay in full for appointments not canceled with 24 hours notice. The rate is $100.

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Individual Session

Schedule a one-on-one session with Dianne to: 

  • Understand your trauma responses and triggers 
  • Free yourself from blame, shame, and guilt
  • Get unconditional safety and support 

This is a 60-minute session with Dianne to be held via Zoom. Once payment is completed, you will be redirected to your accounts area where you can schedule your session with Dianne and access your resources.

What People Are Saying:

Of all the different modalities I have delved into or stepped into or tried, becoming this empowered adult has been the most incredible transformation and the most empowering modality that I have tried. For anyone suffering, I would definitely recommend any form of inner child work especially with Dianne.


Dianned found a way to open up my vulnerable, sealed heart and dig up old injuries that I had not been aware of. It is the connection between the psychic and the feelings she repairs, which in my eyes a psychotherapist cannot attain.

Roy, 50

I was in a mental ward after my fourth failed suicide attempt. ​ Through the hospital referrals I worked with Dianne and now 18 years later, ​ I would not be here if it wasn’t for Dianne’s incredible work. ​Thank you, Dianne.

Linda, 46