
Learn how to live life –
not just survive it! ​

Ways to Work with Dianne

5 Steps From Existing to Thriving™

Making Peace With Your Past™

Learn how to break the cycle of neglect, confusion, and lack of self-worth.​

You will improve your self-esteem within 2 sessions in this 8-week course.​

Anxiety will be transformed; calm will be your new normal.​​

You will effectively resolve the experiences that shaped your reality and move fully into your present and create the future you want for yourself and your loved ones.​


Reclaim Your Life™

Break Free from the effects of sexual abuse

This 12 week course will help you unpack the negative behaviors and cycles you’ve been stuck in and you will gain the skills and tools to rebuild healthy functional families.​ ​

The most important outcome of this course is that you will reclaim your true identity, your body, your voice and your rights.​

​ Move into a thriving mindset and state of being instead of living in survival mode or numb land.​

​ Identify your triggers and gain strategies to re wire your survival patterns​

​ You will know and own your intrinsic value and step into your authentic empowerment.​


Breaking Free from Addictions and Compulsions and Anxiety™

Learn the causes of addictions and compulsive behaviors​

Through applying neuroplasticity techniques, you will utilize effective tools to create new neurons and re-wire your brain. β€‹

When you break the hold of any substance or behavior has over you, you will access all that has been buried and blocked.​

No longer will you be plagued by guilt, shame and blame.​
